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Story 274
Robert Conrad - In 1983, when the Hollywood hype machine went crazy, promoting the new Alan Thicke show ("Thicke of the Night") as the heir apparent to Johnny Carson, I got tickets to one of the first week's shows. I went with a friend of mine. The guest STAR for that show was Robert Conrad, a childhood idol of mine, from "Wild Wild West". The show's opening skit was a play off the then-running, popular commercial for Duracell batteries. Robert would look all angry, daring you to knock the Duracell battery off his shoulder, saying "C'mon I dare you to knock it off..." For the show skit, he was tied up in a mock jail cell, with a very scrawny Alan Thicke, unconvincingly threatening to knock the battery stuck to Conrad's shoulder. Being in a front row studio seat, I let my frustration get to me and yelled out, "Kick his butt! Jim West wouldn't take that...!" Which brought a laugh from the studio audience, for the skit was abysmally slow and unfunny (the show NEVER came up to the hype). When the skit was over, between setting up for the next skit, I turned talk to my friend sitting behind me. About thirty seconds went by before I heard this commanding voice behind me say, "Hi! I'm Bob Conrad." To my amazement, I turn around to see Robert Conrad standing in front of me with his hand extended, to shake mine. I was floored. I shook his hand, whereby he then said, You're right, Jim West WOULDN'T take that crap." I just looked and said, "Hey, are you kidding me? Jim West would've kicked his ass." Mr. Conrad belly laughed and stood there speaking with me for about 3 minutes, where we talked about my favorite TV series. A few years later, I met him on three separate occasions, once during the '84 LA Olympics, where Mr. Conrad remembered me, and reminisced about the "Alan Thicke Show" event. He was so down to earth, and a regular guy. I'll never forget it.
Roger Bibeau - Posted: November 27, 2006

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