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Story 456
Bill Murray - It was Sat. the 28th of April. My daughter and granddaughters and I were staying at a condo for the weekend over in St. Augustine, FL. We heard that Bill Murray was in the area for the big golf tournament, but didn't think anything about it. It was about 3:30 or 4:00 pm and my one granddaughter starting yelling that Bill Murray was in the stairwell and we didn't believe her, but as I was walking down the stairs, there was Bill right in front of me! All I could say was, "Hi, Bill, how was the game?" To which he replied, "great'. He went up to his place and we went into ours and realized that he was staying right next door to us. My other granddaughter was outside looking for her cousin and there was a whistle and my daughter went to see who it was and it was Bill. He smiled and waved at my daughter and she just said, "Hey, Bill". We never bothered him at all and tried to respect his privacy. We told the staff at the condo what we did and they told us thank you for what we did because he is like anyone else when he comes to stay there -ready for some R&R and after the long day that he had out golfing, we understood.
Sharon - Posted: January 24, 2008

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