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Story 47
Joe Lieberman - One Saturday in December of 2003, my boyfriend and I were shopping around Rockville, Maryland (there's a specialty store I like there), and we went to dinner at the Vegetable Garden, one of my favorite vegetarian restaurants. As we were leaving, a little after 8 p.m. (when it was fully dark) , we ran into three people who were coming in: an older blonde woman, an older gentleman, and a young man who looked like a Secret Service agent. I murmured hello as we passed each other through the one door. I mean, he looked familiar, but until we had passed each other, I didn't realize who it was. But as soon as we were out of earshot, I said, holy smokes (okay, what I really said was not as polite), that's Senator Lieberman! I've had other encounters with famous and semi-famous people, but most of those were somewhat planned.
Danielle - Posted: July 10, 2006

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