| Name | Date of Death | Info |
 | N!xau | 07/05/2003 | -- Starred in the South African ... |  | Nabokov, Vladimir | 07/02/1977 | -- Russian-born writer, author o... |  | Nabors, Jim | 11/30/2017 | -- He starred as Gomer Pyle in t... |  | Nader, Ralph | | -- Consumer advocate and former ... |  | Nagako, Empress | 06/16/2000 | -- Former empress of Japan, wife... |  | Nagin, Ray | | -- Mayor of New Orleans, he was ... |  | Nagurski, Bronko | 01/07/1990 | -- Tough-guy football player wit... |  | Naipaul, V.S. | 08/11/2018 | -- Trinidadian writer, known for... |  | Najarian, John | | -- Pioneering organ transplant s... |  | Najibullah | 09/27/1996 | -- Former leader in Afghanistan,... |  | Najimy, Kathy | | -- She has appeared in "Sister A... |  | Nakasone, Yasuhiro | 11/29/2019 | -- Former prime minister of Japan |  | Namath, Joe | | -- Football player, quarterback ... |  | Nance, Jack | 12/30/1996 | -- He appeared in many of David ... |  | Nano, Fatos | | -- Prime minister of Albania on ... |  | Napier, Alan | 08/08/1988 | -- Played Bruce Wayne's butler (... |  | Narayan, R.K. | 05/13/2001 | -- Indian author, known for his ... |  | Narz, Jack | 10/15/2008 | -- TV game show host, notably of... |  | Nash, Clarence | 02/20/1985 | -- He was the voice of Donald Du... |  | Nash, Graham | | -- Member of the group Crosby, S... |  | Nash, John | 05/23/2015 | -- Nobel Prize-winning mathemati... |  | Nash, Ogden | 05/19/1971 | -- Light-verse poet, beloved for... |  | Nasiff, Hank | 09/04/2001 | -- Known as "Hank the Angry Dwar... |  | Nasser, Gamal Abdel | 09/28/1970 | -- Former president of Egypt, le... |  | Nastase, Ilie | | -- Tennis player, nicknamed Nast... |  | Natwick, Mildred | 10/25/1994 | -- She appeared in the "The Quie... |  | Naughton, David | | -- He starred in the movie "An A... |  | Navratilova, Martina | | -- Czech-born tennis legend, she... |  | Nazarbayev, Nursultan | | -- Former president of Kazakhstan |  | Ndadaye, Melchior | 10/21/1993 | -- President of Burundi, assassi... |  | Neagle, Anna | 06/03/1986 | -- British actress, starred in t... |  | Neal, Curley | | -- Former star player on the Har... |  | Neal, Patricia | 08/08/2010 | -- She starred in many movies, i... |  | Nealon, Kevin | | -- "Saturday Night Live" regular... |  | Neame, Ronald | 06/16/2010 | -- British director, movies incl... |  | Nebiolo, Primo | 11/07/1999 | -- President of the IAAF (Intern... |  | Needham, Hal | 10/25/2013 | -- Director and stuntman, "Smoke... |  | Neeson, Liam | | -- Starred in "Schindler's List"... |  | Negron, Chuck | | -- Lead singer for the band Thre... |  | Negron, Taylor | 01/10/2015 | -- Actor who appeared in many di... |  | Nehru, Jawaharlal | 05/27/1964 | -- First prime minister of India |  | Neill, Noel | 07/03/2016 | -- She played Lois Lane in the 1... |  | Neill, Sam | | -- He has appeared in many movie... |  | Neiman, Leroy | 06/20/2012 | -- Painter, known for his colorf... |  | Nelligan, Kate | | -- She has appeared in "Eye of t... |  | Nelson, Barry | 04/07/2007 | -- He has appeared in many films... |  | Nelson, Byron | 09/26/2006 | -- Hall of Fame golfer, he won f... |  | Nelson, Craig T. | | -- Starred in the TV series "Coa... |  | Nelson, David | 01/11/2011 | -- Son of Ozzie and Harriet Nels... |  | Nelson, Gaylord | 07/03/2005 | -- Former US senator from, and f... |
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