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Story 315
David Lee Roth - Back in 1997 I was invited to the Foxwoods Casino high rollers lounge after a bachelor party to watch the Evander Holyfield fight on closed circuit. I didn't know that DLR was doing a show there that night but one of the guys in our group said, "Hey, isn't that David Lee Roth?" I turned and sure enough, it was. I got up in a shot and went over to see if I could get an autograph. I was quickly met with a very large man standing before me asking my business. I just said I was a fan and would like to meet him. He stood aside and I said, "Hey Dave, I've been a huge fan since Van Halen started and was wondering if I could get an autograph?" He very arrogantly said "Nah, I don't f@#king think so...if I give you one all these f@#kers in here will want one and I don't f@#king feel like doing that." He then turned back around to the bar and the large man stepped in front of me again and said, "I think your business is finished here." My jaw nearly hit the floor! I was astounded that he would do that to a fan. It was a huge let down and it really changed my feelings about the man.
Jerry - Posted: February 20, 2007

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