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Story 85
Gregory Peck - My husband and I have been vacationing in Ireland for over 20 years. We found "our PUB" the very first time we went and became very close friends of the owners whose name I won't mention as I haven't their permission and Irish folks are funny about telling tales. They love to tell other people's stories (especially sad ones) but not their own. For years the wife had told us she was related to Gregory Peck, but she also told us she was related to JFK, the Pope, Bing Crosby, etc. We often joked with her asking if she was related to us. She thought she might be. After many years of chuckles at her expense we were sitting on our usual stools when who walks in but Gregory Peck, greeting our friend as his beloved aunt and asking after all their mutual relations. Needless to say we felt incredibily stupid and grateful that we had never said that we hadn't believed her. This pub has only eight stools, which were all filled with us disbelieving YANKS. He greeted each one of us, asked about our Irish connections and was the lovliest gentleman I have ever met and oh so handsome. One clue for those who care, the pub is in Dingle, County Kerry and Mr. Peck's connection to our friend was through the Ashe family. It was a memorable day. Slan, Bridget
- Posted: July 24, 2006

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