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Story 259
Walter Cronkite - In the summer of 1980, Walter Cronkite presided over his last national nominating convention as anchor of CBS News. At the end of the Democratic Convention (held in NY that year), a group of us from the host committee, walked onto the floor of the convention (as the delegates were filing out). We looked up to the CBS Control Booth and serenaded Mr. Cronkite with "We love you, Walter, oh, yes, we do..." Years later (in 2001/2), I had successfully undergone the Gastric Bypass surgery at NY Presbyterian Hospital in NYC. During one of my many post-op doctor visits, I was sitting in the waiting room, and who should sit next to me, but Walter Cronkite. We got to talking and I told him about my surgery and the complications I had had. He was such a gentleman. It was a genuine thrill to meet him and tell about the darkest period of my life.
WJR - Posted: November 27, 2006

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