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To search by date you first need to select either Dates of Birth or Dates of Death. After that fill in the boxes to pick a date or set of dates to look for. For example, to search for all births on October 24th, select Dates of Birth and then in the Month box select October and in the Day box select 24. Leave the Year box blank. Then click Search. For more flexibility, including searching for entire decades instead of single years, use the Combined Search page, which is linked at the top of this page. Remember, the basic purpose of this website is to track whether famous people are dead or alive. It is not intended to be a comprehensive birthday list. For that reason, most of the people included here were born at least 50 years ago. As a rule, the only people included who were born less than 50 years ago are those that have already died. © Copyright 1998 - 2025 by Kentix Computing